Marvin Gaye
The poetics of music: A series of zines that focus on the poetic expression of musicians' lyrics and the interaction that occurs in singing rather than reading the lyrics.
Marvin Gaye: This work includes lyrics and images by Marvin Gaye, along with poems by American poet Vievee Francis. The combination of intersections gives us readers new perspectives and considerations.
Founded in 2019, BlackMass Publishing is a New York-based collective and independent press that promotes works by black artists and "expresses" them through "publication activities" such as zines. . BlackMass Publishing is interested in fostering community and fostering conversation through visual language, focusing on blackness, its effects and impact through visual and textual representations.
BlackMass Publishing publications include the Schoenberg Center for the Study of Black Culture (New York), RAW Material Company (Dakar), Center For Book Arts (Art Museum, New York), Thomas J. Watson Library, New York Public Library, and Langston Hughes, New York. It is housed in permanent book collections such as the Library and The Evergreen State University.
Publisher: BlackMass Publishing
Publication year: 2023
Number of pages pages: 8 (including cover) + 1 another paper
Size size: 215x140mm
Format format: Softcover
language language:
State condition: New