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Isabel Pousset / My true love story
  • Isabel Pousset / My true love story

    This is a collection of works by Isabelle Poussette, a photographer and visual artist based in Belgium.

    “My true love story is a book of seven loves + one search, a chaotic record of a thrilling love thief.

    Everyone is afraid of love. Especially the love that is about to begin. And it's natural! It's not easy to be "discovered". What if no one sees you? What if no one notices you? And after that! What if someone finds out that you want to move all your pathetic baggage! In a glass case, who you really are is hidden. It's not safe to look for love.

    Flip through the pages of "My true love story." Look again! Who are the characters and why? And how many plates were on the table in the morning? Because sometimes visitors stay overnight. Sometimes they say the wrong thing, are too bold, too vulgar, or too hasty.

    "My true love story" is a story of failure and a laugh at sunset. But above all, it's nothing to do with you! This app is for someone else.

    If you can, and if you dare, you can read it. What kind of detective are you? A detective in a raincoat who smells like rain? Or a detective who smells like pollen and pungent lemonade? What do you look for in love? Because my true love story is also written about you.”_Isabel

    Publisher: Hopper&Fcuhs

    Publication year: 2022

    Number of pages: 80

    Size: 148 x 103 mm

    Format: Loose Leaf

    Language: English/Dutch


    Condition: New

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